Do you have a garage that you rarely use? Maybe now is the time to turn it into the perfect man cave. You can easily transform it and later on convert it back if needed. Of course, there are some steps and considerations that you should do before even starting. Without further ado let’s dive into it.
The first and most important step is the planning process. You need to have a clear picture in your mind of what do you want and how you want it. Do your research first. This way you won’t have to redo something in the process. We can help you in the planning process by giving you valuable advice as well as connecting you with the right businesses. If you feel like you want to start a project like that do not hesitate to contact us!

The main entrance
You are more likely to go for an insulated roller door or a sectional door. The main reason is that we don’t mean cave literally that comes with the cold. Proper insulation will make the place more comfortable and it will save you a fortune from bills. Also, safety and security should be a priority especially if you are going to put some pricy stuff in there.
Here at SBi, we value your safety and security that is why we suggest you take a look at our catalogue and see if anything peaks your interest and suits your needs.
Floor and walls
After you have ordered your garage door it is time for the floor and walls. Are the walls made of unfinished drywall? Maybe you want to spice things a little bit and match them with the whole house setup. Maybe make it soundproof if you plan on having your band there. Your floor is probably basic concrete? It doesn’t look comfortable, does it? Maybe you should consider some kind of floor decking to shake things up and make it look more appealing.
This being a man cave means you and your friends are will probably use it a lot of the time. That is why it needs to be properly heated. If you are not a fan of portable heaters then air conditioning is the right way to do it – warm during the winter and cool in summer. Another option here you may want to consider is Somfy heaters. Those are strong instant heat with infrared shortwave, optionally with 2200/3000 watts. They may be the perfect solution for your garage. The cool thing about them is that they are compatible with Somfy io technology and can be operated with their respective smart home app.

For more on their smart home front, you can check the blog posts below:
The next step should be your interior. Here you need to decide on the furniture and all the necessary shelves depending on what you are going to use the man cave for. Here your options are unlimited. You can make it a gym where instead of furniture you will need a gym kit. There are endless possibilities – pool tables, workshop, gaming setup, football setup and many more. Also, you can add some RGB lighting so you can make it more appealing or just to show support to your favourite team. With Somfy’s TaHoma Switch you can have smart lighting and control everything with your phone.

If you feel like you want to start a project like that do no hesitate to contact us!