Welcome again to our weekly blog post. Today we are taking a deeper look into our portfolio. We are going to talk about Roller Garage Doors. To be precise about our H55 package. This includes H55 Compact Economy or Compact premium. We will be checking the key differences between both so you can make an informed decision on what is the best option for you. Without further ado let’s dive straight into it.
The first thing I am going to show you is two short videos of both packages. This way you can get a visual representation of what I am going to talk about below and see what that entails for yourself.
As we can see from the tables above there are some differences between the economy and the premium package that reflects on the price. The first thing that gets our attention is that the motor on the premium one is far superior. It is a Somfy hybrid tubular motor that includes soft start and stop, two speeds and discreet mode.
The Safety System on both options is the same because one of the main values of our company is Safety and Security so even in the economy package we are providing you with the absolute best.
We can see another difference is in the slat thickness. H55 Economy has 12.10mm while the Premium option gives you 14.20mm.
In both cases, you get noise reduction technology which consists of 70mm guide rails. This way the noise is minimized.

We understand that roller shutter doors are an important feature that enhances the appearance of the building. Here at SBI, we understand the importance of quality, cost and style. That is why we offer a wide range of customization options so each customer and business can choose that best fits his/her needs. In both packages, you get the Standart RAL colours. You also have the option of adding a special colour and wood effect with a 5% surcharge in the premium package and 10% in the economy one.
Another big difference is the warranty. In the economy package, we have 5 years motor and 2 years roller door warranty while in the premium one we provide you with 7 years motor and 3 years on the roller door.
Somfy set & go is an installation tool that gives you many options you can work with. With the Set&Go io tool, you can easily set and install io equipment in just a few minutes! Set&Go io guides you through each stage of the installation. It identifies the io equipment installed, helps to set the parameters of each Somfy motor, quickly pairs all the controls and customizes each installation. With this device, you can work through your pc and you can diagnose your door. With the premium option, there are even more features – you can adjust the speed of the motor, the speed of the soft start and stop and make favourite positions.
Below is a video that shows a lot of its features. You can expect a dedicated blog post about this in the near future.
The last thing I want to touch on today is the control accessories. Both packages come with two standard transmitters.SBI Group offers a wide range of options for control accessories. They range in style, and features and so they will vary in price. We are committed to providing high levels of customer service and because of that, we always look for a way to give our customers options that will meet their individual needs. All our smart devices are compatible with google assistant, Amazon Alexa, Sonos, Philips hue and many more.

That’s it for the H55 Premium and Economy packages. Hope you learned the key difference and chose the one that fits your situation better.As always have a nice week and see you in the next one.