
Privacy Policy

At SBi Group, we want to be your partner of choice as you explore and experience security solutions and related products or services. We value the trust you place in us and are committed to being fully transparent about how we collect, use, and protect your personal data. We recognize your need for reasonable control over your personal data and commit to implementing mechanisms, procedures, and policies that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and security of your personal data throughout its lifecycle.

SBi Group has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to ensure that our activities are carried out in compliance with applicable laws.

For questions regarding this Policy, to exercise your rights, or to lodge a complaint with us, please contact our DPO (regardless of which SBi Group entity you have been in contact with) at: office@sbigaragedoors.co.uk

This privacy policy (“Policy”) informs you about what to expect when we collect and use personal data, including:

Who is concerned by this Policy?
Who is responsible?
How do we collect your personal data and what personal data do we process?
What do we do with your personal data?
Who receives your personal data?
How is your personal data protected?
Data retention;
International data transfers;
Your rights;
Changes to this Policy.
We kindly ask you to carefully review our Policy and acquaint yourself with its content.

Who is concerned by this Policy?
This Policy applies to you when you visit our websites, interact with us to establish a business relationship, throughout your business relationship with us, when you use the technology we provide, or when you connect to certain platforms, applications, or other solutions we may offer. This Policy does not apply to SBi Group employees or job applicants who may refer to the privacy policy on our careers site.

Who is responsible?
The legal entity responsible for the personal data collected from you is the entity that determines how, when, and why it collects and uses your personal data (“Data Controller”). The identity of the Data Controller will depend on who you are:

If you are a visitor to this website, the Data Controller is the SBi Group entity presented on this site.
If you are an investor, the Data Controller is SBi Group, Castlemead, Bristol, BS1 3AG, United Kingdom.
If you are a customer or a supplier, the Data Controller is the legal entity that manages your business relationship with SBi Group, as indicated in your invoice, purchase order, or agreement.
For any other individuals, with the exception of employees working on SBi Group sites, the Data Controller is the legal entity that manages your relationship with SBi Group, as indicated in your agreement or by your usual contact person at SBi Group.
How do we collect personal data and what personal data do we process?
Personal data refers to data that can be attributed to you personally. We collect personal data directly from you (a) and indirectly through other sources (b). Regardless of whether we collect your personal data directly or indirectly, we commit to only processing personal data that is adequate, relevant, and necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.

Data collected directly from you: We may collect and use personal data that you provide during your interactions with us. This may include:

Your title
Your full name
Your contact details, including email address, phone number, and postal address
Your role within your company
The products or services that are of interest to you or your company
Your opinion and preferences about a product
Your communication preferences
Your feedback about our services
The content of your calls and written messages
We also collect information that you provide to us when transacting with us, subscribing to our services, completing contact forms, creating accounts on our websites, contacting our customer or media relations teams, or attending events.

Data collected in such cases can include (in addition to the data referred to above):

Your client number
Bank account details
Credit card numbers
Your signature
Your date of birth
Any photos you provide
Any location data you decide to share with us
Data that facilitates the delivery of your order: The content of your calls and written messages. Other information collected when you use our products and related applications may include:

The date of your subscription
Your email address
Cloud ID
Your IP address
Mobile telephone number
Certain information collected from your controller device, including log files, device information, network information, and, depending on your chosen services, location or biometric data
We may process the following personal data attributable to you as a visitor to any SBi Group premises:

Name of host
Identity card number
Vehicle number plate
Date and time of arrival and departure from our premises
Indirectly, through other sources: We also collect information about you indirectly when you browse SBi Group websites or subscribe to our feeds on social media. We may use cookies to enhance your browsing experience on our websites. Cookies are small files stored on your computer, holding data specific to a particular user and website. We use two types of cookies:

Cookies that are strictly necessary for the functioning of our websites: These cookies are essential for the operation of our websites, such as analytical cookies that assess website use and performance to improve functionality. If you do not want to accept cookies, you can change your web browser settings to deny storage or inform you when a website requests cookie permission. Please note that not accepting cookies may impact website functionality.

Third-party cookies to improve website interactivity: Our website relies on services offered by third parties, including share buttons for social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) and videos from sources like YouTube. You can change your cookie preferences at any time through our cookie management tool.

We may also collect information about you from third parties or publicly available sources, such as information available on your company’s website or public registries.

What do we do with your personal data?
We collect and use your personal data for various purposes, including:

  1. Negotiating or Performing a Contract: We use your personal data to manage and maintain our business relationship, including account creation, order management, and providing services in line with our contractual arrangement.
  2. Analyzing Feedback and Opinions: We analyze your feedback and opinions about our products or services to improve and develop them further.
  3. Customer Services: We provide customer services, including addressing queries, recording and sharing internal queries to improve our products or services, and addressing inquiries through our media or investor relations teams.
  4. Creating Statistics: We create statistics to improve our products, services, and customer experiences.
  5. Marketing Communications: With your consent, we may send you marketing communications, newsletters, and end-user surveys about our activities, products, or services that may be of interest to you during our business relationship.

We may also process your data based on legal or regulatory requirements.

Who receives your personal data?
We only share your personal data in line with this Policy. We mainly share it with our employees across different departments and, possibly, other entities of SBi Group for customer management, central administration of customer and supplier relationships, and streamlining SBi Group’s business operations.

When we share your personal data with third parties as outlined in this Policy (e.g., for shipments, financial transactions, software services), we ensure that such third parties provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to comply with applicable data protection laws.

How is your personal data protected?
We implement a series of technical and organizational measures to secure your personal data and protect it from unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, or access. Our staff, agents, and subcontractors processing your personal data have signed confidentiality agreements, are bound by a duty of confidentiality, or are subject to appropriate statutory obligations of confidentiality. We also impose strict security obligations on any third-party service provider handling your personal data in line with this Policy.

Data Retention
We retain your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes outlined above. We may retain certain personal data for compliance with applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with our internal data retention rules. When data that can still identify you is no longer needed, we either erase, anonymize, or aggregate it to prevent individual identification.

Processing Purposes:
Buying a SBi Group product- 5 years from the last commercial or contractual contact
Management of personalized communications of goods and services requiring specific consent – 5 years from the last commercial or contractual contact
Order management on a SBi Group website – 5 years from the last commercial or contractual contact
Invoices and accounting data – 10 years
When using applications and platforms dedicated by SBi Group (other than connection information data, pages viewed, and IP addresses) – 5 years maximum from the last connection to the user’s personal account
Participation in a game organized by SBi Group – 1 year maximum at the end of the game if the participant is a prospect
Management of deletion, access, or opposition requests – 5 years from the date of application

International Data Transfers
We primarily store and process your personal data on servers located in the EU/EEA or Switzerland. However, since we operate as a global company and rely on international service providers to support our global solutions, your personal data may be transferred to another country other than your country of residence. Any such transfer is governed by the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses, taking into account the technical risks associated with the legislation of the third country where they exist.

Your Rights
You can contact our DPO to exercise your rights over your personal data collected or used by us. Your rights include:

Right to correction: You can help SBi Group ensure that your contact information and preferences are accurate, complete, and up to date by filling out an updated contact form on any of our websites.
Right to object and restrict: You have the right to object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes and, under certain circumstances, restrict our use of your personal data.
Right to erasure: We delete your personal data on your request unless we need to retain it for legal and regulatory compliance, as well as internal data retention rules.
Right to withdraw consent: If we process your personal data based on your consent, you can withdraw it at any time. However, this may affect our ability to provide certain services.
Right to receive and transmit: You have the right to receive personal data relating to you and that you have provided to us in a commonly used electronic format, and you can transmit this data to another data controller (data portability).
Right to lodge a complaint: If you believe that our use of your personal data is not in compliance with applicable data protection laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory body in your country or in the country where the Data Controller of your personal data is located.
We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from minors. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a minor, we will promptly delete it. If you believe that a minor may have provided us with personal information, please contact us at office@sbigaragedoors.co.uk.

Changes to this Policy
This Policy’s effective date is set out above. We may modify this Policy at any time without notice, except when substantial changes may affect individuals’ rights under applicable privacy and data protection laws. In such cases, we will notify you of changes through a prominent notice at the beginning of this Policy.